The first 15 users are free. Nothing more for any features, but we don't offer having any more users, either. We don't make any money from anything.
Nope. Since we're totally free, we keep things to 15 users to keep our costs controllable. Tweet us if you're interested in us creating a paid option someday for more users.
While we're purposefully light on features, you can hit control+S to go into multi-select mode.
We realized the big boys in the business have rounded up the big tech teams. So this is just for us small tech teams trying to get off the ground. It's a labor of love. We've been there.
That's a firm no. See our privacy policy
Nope. However, if you still have questions, tweet us!.
We're always listening to feature requests that also don't clutter the user interface. If you have an idea, tweet us. Make your best pitch on how to make in unobtrusive to the workflow!